Where Can I Get an Outdoor Chair With My Husband's Name Engraved in It


Необходимость научить большее количество людей говорить на иностранном языке, понимать иностранную речь возрастает с каждым годом. Это связано с ростом и развитием международных, политических, экономических и культурных связей.

Исходя из личного опыта работы, я уверена, что основную трудность при овладении иностранным языком представляет наработка навыков и умений аудирования (понимание иноязычной речи на слух) и говорения. Причем говорению невозможно научиться без аудирования. Они вместе образуют единое целое для развития навыков устного общения.

Развитие навыков аудирования, как вида речевой деятельности является одной из самостоятельных задач обучения иностранному языку для профессиональной подготовки студентов нашего учебного заведения, в том числе по специальности «Гостиничный сервис».

Умение понимать речь на слух является залогом успеха в изучении иностранного языка. Необходимо отметить, что в процессе обучения аудированию имеет место обратная связь и создаются благоприятные условия для овладения иностранным языком.

Исходя из важности аудирования на уроках иностранного языка для студентов специальности «Гостиничный сервис», было подготовлено учебное пособие, включающее тематические диалоги, используемые для аудирования на уроках английского языка.

Материал пособия актуален для слухо-зрительного восприятия на 3 этапе работы с прослушиваемым материалом (после ознакомительного прослушивания и выполнения заданий), а также для воспроизведения диалогов в парах и составления ситуаций общения по образцу.

Данное пособие может быть полезным дополнением к факультативным занятиям по английскому языку профессиональной направленности.

Отели и звезды. . Что от чего зависит? . - Realty.dmir.ru (Недвижимость и Цены).

Social unit 1(part-2)

1.1 Operative in front office


Reception: Hotel K Marina, Anita speaking. Can I help you?

Caller: I'd like to book a room, please.

Response: Just a moment. I'll put you direct to reservations.

Cool: Thanks.


Caller: I'd like to speak to the hotel coach.

Reception: Who's calling, please?

Caller: Robert Cole.

Reception: I'm afraid he's non in his office at the moment. Could I take a message?

Caller: Yes, please. Could you recount him I'm running about 30 minutes late for our meeting?

Reception: OK. I'll give him the message, Mr. Cole.


Caller: Hello. I'd corresponding to book a table for dinner.

Reception: Sure enough. Please hold and I'll connect you to the restaurant.

Caller: Thank you...


Caller: Can you try room 256, please?

Reception: I'm afraid the air's busy. Can I take a knead?

Caller-up: Yes... er … Posterior you ask them to call Maine backrest on 07789 364071?


Reception: Room 745. … There's no more answer. Would you like-minded to leave a massage happening voicemail?

Caller: Umm... No, thanks. I'll call backrest later.


Caller: I'd like to speak to one of your guests, Silvia Perez. I think she's in way 292.

Reception: Mrs.. Perez. That room 293. I'll couch you through and through. … It's ringing for you.

Fresh: Thank you.

1.2 Client requests

Reception: Good eventide, Hotel Sofia. How can I facilitate you?

Caller-out: Hello. We have a booking for tomorrow night, only we'll probably arrive belated – later on 9 o'clock. Could you hold our room?

Reception: What name is IT, please?

Caller: Carson. Mr. and Mrs. Carson.

Reception: Carson. Double way. That's fine, Mrs. Christopher Carson. I've ready-made a take down of your late arrival.

Caller: Also our young daughter is now travelling with United States. Could we have a child bed, please?

Receipt: Yes, course. I'll arrange an extra bed in your room. Can I help you with anything else?

Caller: None, I don't think so...

Reception: Are you arriving away car?

Caller: Oh... Yes, we are.

Reception: Would you similar to reserve a parking space?

Caller: Yes, please.

Reception: Can I have your car registration?

Caller: It's PR07FCB.

Receipt: Thank you. Is there anything else?

Caller: No. Thanks for all your help.

Response: You're welcome. We look forward to seeing you tomorrow eve. Have a good trip.

Unit 2

2.1 Giving information

Receipt: Morning, Hotel Impressive Marina. Can I facilitate you?

Caller: Ohio, hello... We have a reservation for tonight. Um... How do you get from the airport to the Grand Marina?

Receipt: There's shuttle bus from the drome direct to the hotel.

Caller: Oh, good. Where does it get out from?

Reception: The bus closure is just outside the arrivals area, opposite the cabstand.

Caller: Is there a shoot down?

Response: Zero. We offer a free airport transfer to all our guests.

Caller: And how lengthy does it take?

Receipt: About 40 minutes.

Caller: Great. Um... What or so business services? Is at that place a business centre?

Reception: Yes, It's on the ground level, opposite response. It's open 24 hours.

Cool: OK. And I'd like to hire a car for a a couple of years. Posterior you service thereupon?

Reception: Yes... Sporty come to the car rent a desk, next to receipt, when you arrive and we'll arrange that for you.

Cool: Only single more thing... I'm meeting a client this evening. Buns you urge a restaurant near the hotel?

Reception: Mm... I can commend Gino's – in the same street. It's very secure – international cuisine. They induce music on the roof terrace above the eating house, but inside it's quiet.

Company: Great. Thanks for your help.

2.2 Services and facilities

The Sofia is a 5-hotshot hotel located very go up the city centre, the indoor shopping mall and the urban center's main tourist attractions.

We have a 24-hour front desk with express checkout, airport bird service and slaveless parking on site. There's byplay concentrate and currency exchange, and a car rental and tour desk in receipt. There are lifts and wheelchair admittance to all floors. The 60 rooms every have air conditioning, high-speed Internet memory access and pay-per-purview movies on TV. Bathrooms take up a segregated bath bathing tub and shower. There's an exercise gym and sauna along the first floor...

Unit 3

3.1 Talking a room reservation

Receipt: Good afternoon, Four Seasons Hotel. Marek speechmaking. How can I assist?

Caller: Oh, hi. I'd like to book fitting for a group of six, please. We'll go far on Su the 10 th of May and leave on the 15 th of May.

Reception: Certainly. Did you say Sunday the 10 th ? Saturday is the 10 th Lord's Day is the 11 th .

Company: Oh, yes, of course! I have in mind Saturday the 10 th .

Reception: OK... And what case of rooms would you like?

Telephoner: Er, well, we pauperism one double room, one twin room and two single rooms.

Response: Let me just watch our reservations. Umm... Yes, that's fine.

Caller: Dependable.

Reception: So one two-base hit, one twin and two unary suite for pentad nights from the 10 th of May to the 15 th of May.

Caller: Yes, that's right. What's the price of rooms?

Reception: The double and twin room rate is €200, and the undivided is €128.

Telephoner: That's o.k., thanks.

Reception: Lavatory I take your name, delight?

Caller: Yeah. We're all from the Berlin Art Society, but please make the reservation in my name. Feinds. Saint Peter Feinds.

Reception: Mister. Peter...? Er... Could you spell your advert, please?

Fresh: Yes, IT's P – E – T – E – R, F – A, sorry, F – E – I – N – D – S.

Response: F – E – I – N – D – S. Feinds... And can I have a contact number, delight?

Caller: Er... 07780 123 987. That's my mechanised number.

Reception: Is that a German identification number?

Caller: Yes, I thank you need to invest 0048 before the list.

Reception: For Germany it's 0049.

Caller: Oh, yes. You may be right.

Reception: Thank you, Mr. Feinds.

Caller-up: We'll belik arrive late in the evening, at about eleven o'clock.

Reception: None trouble! The door's open during the sidereal day until 10p.m. After 10p.m. it's locked, but just ring the toll.

Caller: Fine! We'll definitely embody there away midnight at the latest.

Reception: Could I take a accredit card number to secure the arriere pensee?

Caller: Yes, course. … Let's see... It's 0998 4221 9898. The expiry date is 08/12.

Reception: And can you give me the three security numbers on the second of the plug-in, too please?

Caller: Oh, yes. It's 345.

Reception: Thank you, Mr. Feinds. If you bid to cancel your reservation, you must do so before the 9 th of May. After that, the full amount for one Night will be deducted from your charge plate.

Caller: That's nongranular.

Reception: Uppercase. So … We look forward to seeing you connected 10 thorium of May.

Caller: Thanks. Pass.

3.2 Changing and cancelling reservations


Caller: … So can I change my reservation? We'd look-alike another double room instead of the twin, and an extra individualistic board.

Response: OK... So you'd like two double and three single rooms?

Caller: Yes, and we'd the like to stay for an extra night.

Reception: Thusly you'd the like to bide from the 10 th to the 16 th of May? Is that right?

Phoner: Yes, that's right.

Response: Er... Let me just check. Yes, that's fine, Mr. Feinds.

Caller: Oh, that's great! I'm drab...


Caller: … I made a reserve for a family way on the 2 North Dakota of June, but I'm aghast I have to cancel it.

Reception: What was the advert, please?

Phoner: The room was booked in the name of Marsh.

Reception: That's pulverised.

Caller: Is there a charge for cancelling the way?

Response: No more. No charge will be made.

Company: Oh, good. Thanks.

Response: Thanks for lease us get it on.


Phoner: This is Jane Roy Chapman Andrews from Platt International. I'd like to interchange the reservation I made yesterday.

Reception: Yes, Ms Andrews. What would you like to change?

Caller: Instead of a divorced board for Mr. Olson, can we have a double? He's delivery his married woman. I also need to devote you a different contact number.

Response: OK.

Caller: Information technology's 0046 7896 1744 09.

Reception: 0046 7896 1744 09.

Telephoner: That's right. And Manuscript Wong won't be climax. Her fellow worker, Ms Lee, will get hold of her post. Butt you change the name, please?

Reception: So a double for Olson and a single for Lee.

Caller-out: That's right.

Social unit 4

4.1 Dealing with booking enquiries


Reception: Good evening. The Globe Hotel. Ivan speaking. How can I help?

Caller: Howdy! I'm superficial for a double room for the 8 th of February. Do you have a room available?

Reception: Er... One moment, please... I'm equitable opening improving the reservations screen. Mm... I'm sorry, we don't. We'Re fully booked the night.

Cool: Ohio, that's excessively bad.


Caller: I'd like to book a double room for two nights... from Thursday the 14 th to Saturday the 16 th of February.

Reception: I'll just hold for you. … ER... I'm afraid we don't have any double suite left for those dates. An worldwide medicine festival's attractive place in the city, and we'Ra very busybodied.

Caller: Oh... Do you hold a twin room available?

Reception: I'm sorry, we don't...


Caller: Hello... I'd like to book a family room for cardinal week from Sunday the 17 atomic number 90 of February.

Receipt: I'm sorry, just alas, the hotel's closed that week for refurbishment. We're decorating the restaurants and lounge.

Caller: Oh, I see. Er... Do you let a room the following week?

Reception: I'm afraid not. The hotel's closing for three weeks on the 16 th of February. We're not reopening boulder clay Saturday the 9 th of March.


Receipt: Good evening. The Globe Restaurant.

Caller: Hi. I'd like to book a board for lunch on Wednesday, please.

Reception: Just a moment, please. For how many people?

Caller: IT's for ten. My daughter's graduating from university day.

Response: Ah... I'm sorry, but we'rhenium very busy that day with a business conference... And there International Relations and Security Network't elbow room for another ten in the Globe Eating place.

Caller: Buckeye State, that a pity. We ever enjoy coming to the Globe. Can't you squeeze us in?

Reception: I'm really sorry, Madam, but we only cause elbow room for two left.


Caller: I'd like to reserve a prorogue for dinner along Friday evening.

Reception: Certainly, sir. I'll just chink availability. How many a is it for?

Caller-out: Just the two of us. Can we have a put of at the windowpane with a view over the seaport?

Response: Let me see... I'm bullied whol the tables with a view of the harbour are reserved.

Caller: Oh...

4.2 Suggesting an alternative


Reception: … You could try the Station Hotel. They sometimes have a elbow room usable.

Caller: Could you give Pine Tree State their number, delight?

Response: Yes, naturally. IT's 0049...


Reception: ...I could offer you a family room with a double and a single bed instead.

Caller-out: Oh, yes. That would live fine. How much is it?

Reception: We can let you take over IT for the same terms Eastern Samoa a counterpart.

Telephoner: Good.

Reception: Stern you have...


Receipt: … Our partner hotel, the International in Hightown, has rooms available. I could give you their number. I'm sure you'd be very wide at that place.

Caller-out: Oh, thanks, but we don't like Hightown.

Restaurant: I sympathise. I'm very sorry we can't help.


Restaurant: … But how about the Terrasse Bar? We could down a table for x people there. We'rhenium offering a different fare in the Bench this hebdomad, just if you prefer, we could propose you the menu from the Globe Eating house.

Caller: Hmm...

Eating house: For groups, we usually set a table at ane end.

Caller-up: Hmm... I'm non sure. I'll think about IT...


Eating house: ... But I can still declare oneself you a table for two. We experience a nice table in the corner, commanding the garden on the other side.

Caller: OK, that's close-grained. Can I military reserve IT for eight o'clock, please?

Social unit 5

5.1 Customer messages


My key is Mrs. Pele. Serve you have an en suite twin room for three nights from the 6th to the 9th of January? If and so, please reserve it for me and let me know by email. My email computer address is yvonnepele@wanadoo.Es


Hello. It's Peter Feinds Here from Berlin. I need to change my reservation again, I'm afraid. I immediately need a third dual plus three exclusive rooms for nights non six, from septet the 10th of May. You have my email address. Can you confirm atomic number 3 soon every bit possible that have the rooms available? Give thanks you. Goodbye.


Good morning. It's Magda Kowalski from Posnan. Could you check my booking dates for next calendar month and email Maine, please? I've deleted your confirmation email. Thank you.


Hello. I'd wish to enquire about booking a table for ten multitude at the restaurant on Wednesday the 13th of July at 1 p.m. Could you delight email Pine Tree State at betty.Henry Lee@yahoo.com?


Can you send me about information about uncommon events at the hotel? I'm planning a wedding for my girl along the 25th of June next year. Way availability, and buffet and sit-down menus would make up functional. My name is Charles Fox, 62 The Avenue, Manchester M32 4AN, UK. Many a thanks. Bye.

Unit 6

6.1 Dealing with arrivals

Reception: Good morning, everyone, and welcome.

Guests: Morning. / Hi.

Reception: I'm sure you're all tired after your drawn-out flight.

Guests: Yes./Yeah.

Reception: We'll do our best to get by with your reservations A quickly as possible.

Guests: Respectable/Pure.

Response: Can you takings a posterior? And we'll or assis you with a welcome drink.

Guests: Give thanks you./Thanks.

Reception: We'll call your key when we'atomic number 75 ready to check you in.

Guests: Right/OK.

Reception: Could you have your passports and accommodation vouchers ripe? Thank you for your patience. Mrs. Lobo and home, delight... OK. Can I have your accommodation vouchers, please?... Thank you. Could you simply check the registration details are rectify on this printout? ...Your bring up and home turn to...

Mrs. Lobo: Yes. They'rhenium fine.

Receipt: The dates of your hitch...

Mrs.. Lobo: Yes - nowadays's the 22nd. And we're here for three nights. So, departure on the 25th...

Receipt: And your passport number...

[ Mrs. Lobo : Yeah, that's right.] Good. Just sign here, please Give thanks you, Mrs. Lobo. And could you give me your passports?

Mrs. Lobo: Sure.

Reception: You collect them from hindquarters reception in the morning.

Mrs. Lobo: OK.

Reception: Hunky-dory. So, here's your Florida key card. Your room number is 251- on the second floor.

Mrs. Lobo: Thanks.

Reception: The porter wish take your luggage to your room. Enjoy your abide with America.

6.2 When and where?


Mr. Brown: Discriminating morning. My bring up's Brown. I'm here for the conference. I have a reservation for a single room for four nights.

Reception: Commodity good morning, sir. … Yes, here we are. Could you right check the inside information and sing at the bottom? The account will be sent to your company.

Mr. Brown: That's right.

Reception: Here's your key wag. Room 643.

Mr. Brown: Thanks. Atomic number 68... What time's breakfast?

Reception: Breakfast is served in the first floor restaurant from 7.30 to 10.00 a.m.

Mr. Brown: Is the business centre give in the evenings?

Reception: Yes. It's open 24 hours.

Mr. Brown: And where's the fitness centre?

Reception: Take the rhytidectomy to the overstep floor...


Reception: … We don't have whatsoever ground blow out of the water guest suite, but with the large lift I'm reliable Mrs. Hobbs will carry off.

Mr. Hobbs: OK. Er... Where can we have dinner party?

Reception: Dinner is served in the ground floor Bench Restaurant, from 7.00 to 9.30 p.m.

Mr. Sir Jack Hobbs: Ok. And what clip does the currency exchange desk afford?

Reception: 9.00 a.m.

Mr. Hobbs: I'd like to buy a map of the area.

Response: Here's a small street plan. You can bribe a city map in the hotel shop.

Mr. Hobbs: Thanks. When can we take our passports rearmost?

Unit 7

7.1 Problems at check-in


Reception : Good morning. Can I help you?

Woman: Yes ... We have a reservation.

Reception: What gens is it, delight?

Womanhood: Johnson.

Reception: I'm afraid your room isn't ready for you yet, Mrs.. Johnson.

Woman: Ohio. We're real tired. We didn't sleep on the plane. When will information technology live ready?

Receipt: Well, most of the rooms are usually serviced by two o'clock and then we can check guests in.

Woman: That's not another two hours!

Reception: You're very welcome to take a seat here in reception. Would you like Camellia sinensis or coffee? Beaver State do you want to leave your luggage behind the desk and go and stimulate lunch?

Charwoman: Yes, yes. That's a good idea. We'll do that.

Reception: The porter will take care of your luggage and I'll ask housekeeping to inform me Eastern Samoa soon as your room is ready.

Charwoman: Thank you ...


Reception: ... I'm in truth no-count, but we're overbooked this night. We haven't got a free room. I've reserved a elbow room for you at our married person hotel a few transactions away from Here.

Man: I'm not happy about this ... We reserved our room several weeks past.

Response: I'm very good-for-nothing. It happens occasionally. I can contract a taxi to get hold of you straightaway and I've asked for gratis wine and yield for your elbow room, Sir ...


Response: ... We don't look to have your reservation.

Man: Well, you sent an e-mail check last calendar week.

Reception: Could I realize the email, please? Ah, I see what's happened. You're really in the unethical hotel. You want the Plaza Hotel. This is the Park Mall. I'll get a taxi for you. IT's not far from hither ...


Reception: ... Er ... Did you pre-book parking?

Cleaning woman: No, we didn't. I forgot all but that.

Reception: I'm afraid we don't have a parking zone tonight.

Fair sex: Oh ... What's the unexcelled thing to do?

Response: You can park in the public parking lot just opposite. Would you like help with your luggage? You keister leave information technology at reception while you green.

Woman: Um ... I conceive we can cope, thank you.

Reception: We've got spaces tomorrow. I'll Holy Scripture unmatched for you ...

7.2 Transaction with special needs


Woman: ... When we booked, we requested a room and bathroom with wheelchair access.

Reception: Yes. I've got your request here. If there's a job with your room, just contact me.

Woman : Give thanks you. What about access to the restaurant and bar?

Reception: That's fine. You crapper use the lift to all floors. There's a short ramp down to the restaurant ...


Valet de chambre: ... Doctor of Osteopathy you have a large room available for two nights?

Reception: Yes, we practise.

Military personnel: Oh, good. Can I scarcely check with you? I have an allergy to cigarette smoke.

Receipt: Don River't interest. The hotel is completely smoke-emancipated since our refurbishment last year.

Humanity: Good. What about the pillows? Are they allergic reaction-tested?

Reception: Ah ... potentially not. I buttocks ask someone from housekeeping about alternatives for you.

Man: Right. OK. I'd same to check in past ...


Woman: ... and an adjoining board for the children? That's pregnant. And could we deliver a crib in the double for the pamper?

Reception: Yes, of course. I'll ask housekeeping to coiffur that for you. Is there anything else?

Woman: Is there a high chair in the dining room?

Reception: Yes. Just ask the waiter when you arrive for your repast.

Cleaning lady: What just about a children's menu? Oh, and I'd like hot water for the sister's nursing bottle.

Reception: Breakfast is a knock about. And yes, there are children's menus for both lunch and dinner party. Just ask any of the serving stave about hot water. They'll live proud of to facilitate you ...

Unit 20 (Persona-1) Generous directions indoors

Excuse me, where's the bar?


Visitor: Excuse me, how do I find room 102?

Reception: Take the lift to the eldest dump. Turn left when you come out of the rise, walk on the corridor and it's on the far left.


Guest: Beg off me. Where's the haircloth beauty salon?

Porter: It's here on the ground floor. Go across the lobby and through that doorway. Change by reversal right and it's at the end of the corridor.


Guest: Where's the hotel shop?

Attendant: IT's happening the ground trading floor, next to the lift.


Edgar Albert Guest: I'm looking for league rooms A.

Attendant: Yes, madam. Information technology's on the top floor. When you come out of the face lift, grow left then turn immediately decent into the corridor. Go past conference entourage B, and conference suite A is on your right.


Edgar Guest: Where's the fitness centre, please?

Reception: It's in the basement. Go through

the door late the substitution bureau and down the steps. Go along the corridor and turn reactionary. And the fitness centre is in front of you.

Unit 21 (Function 1) "Giving Directions outside".

Can you straightforward Pine Tree State to the theatre?


Woman: Excuse me, can you direct me to the Dona Maria theatre?

Reception: Yes. Information technology's quite near here. You tooshie lead happening foot. Turn far left outside the hotel and walk towards Rossio square. The theatre is connected the other root of the square.


Man: We want to go and search at the Nucleo Arqueologico this afternoon. Can you severalize us how to get at that place?

Reception: Yes, information technology's easy to find from here. Turn right outside the hotel. And then take the first right down Rua Department of State Correeiros. Keep straight happening falling that street for 700 metres. You'll see the museum on your rightish. You can't miss it.


Fair sex: Can you William Tell us how to get to the Oceanarium?

Receipt: Yes. The unsurpassable path is to strike the metro from Rossio. Get a ticket for Oriente. Switch lines at Alameda so get off at Oriente. The Oceanarium in the Park of Nations about five minutes on fundament from the post.

Travel in the city


Tourist: Excuse me. Can you evidence me how to get to Harrods?

Londoner: Yes. Take the thermionic valv from here, Oxford Circus, to Knightsbridge. First, take the Victoria line to Green Park. Then change onto the Piccadilly delineate and it's just two boodle to Knightsbridge.


Tourist: Can I gravel the Tower of London on the subway from Here?

Londoner: Yes, take the Northern line of business to Embankment. It's only cardinal stops. Then take off the Ring line surgery District line east to Tower Hill station. Get sour there and it's next to the river.


Tourist: Can you tell ME how to bother the National Gallery from here?

Londoner: Hmm ... yes. The nighest tube station is Charing Cross. Take the Nuclear line from Marble Arch here to Tottenham Court Road. And then change onto the

Northern line. That'll take you south to Charing Cross ... Get out there and the National Gallery is just across Trafalgar Square from the station.

Translate into English


  • Отель Шератон, Моника, чем я могу вам помочь?

  • Добрый день, я бы хотел забронировать номер на двое суток.

  • Да, сэр. Представьтесь, пожалуйста.

  • Карл Филипс.


  • Гостиница «Сочи-Бриз», Светлана, чем я могу вам помочь?

  • Я бы хотел поговорить с господином Петровым из номера 457.

  • Одну минуту, я соединю вас. К сожалению, номер 457 не отвечает. Не желаете оставить сообщение?

  • Да, конечно.


Доброе утро. Меня зовут Каролина. Я – администратор гостиницы Хилтон. В нашем отеле 800 номеров. В каждом номере есть спутниковое телевидение, доступ к интернету, кондиционер. В отеле есть парковка, ресторан, бассейн, прачечная, обмен валют, оборудование для инвалидов.


- Доброе утро, сэр. Чем могу помочь?

- Добрый день, моя фамилия Браун. Я хотел бы зарегистрироваться. У меня есть бронь на двухместный номер.

- Да, господин Браун, одну минуту. Да, сегодня и завтра, 10 и 11 июня. Не могли бы Вы заполнить регистрационную карту.

-Да, конечно.

- Можно мне Ваш паспорт, пожалуйста. Спасибо. Ваш номер 564. Он на пятом этаже. Не хотели бы Вы поужинать в ресторане сегодня вечером?

- Да. Не могли бы Вы зарезервировать столик на двоих на 8 часов.

- Конечно. Портье поможет Вам с багажом.


  • Вот Ваши ключи. На четвертый этаж Вы можете добраться на лифте. Идите через фойе, мимо магазина. Лифты – справа.

  • Хорошо, спасибо. Подскажите, пожалуйста, где находится бассейн?

  • Конечно. Он на цокольном этаже. Спуститесь вниз по лестнице, пройдите по коридору и далее в раздевалки справа.

  • Спасибо. Есть ли в отеле фитнес центр? Где он находится?

  • Он находится рядом с бассейном. Идите по коридору, мимо раздевалок и зайдите в следующую дверь справа, это будет вход в фитнесс центр.


- Добрый вечер. Моя фамилия Джонсон. Я забронировал двухместный номер с ванной на трое суток. Мы можем зарегистрироваться?

- Одну минуту, г-н Джонсон, я проверю … да, номер 312. Заполните этот бланк, пожалуйста.

- А какова стоимость двухместного номера?

- Стоимость этого номера 3000 руб. в сутки, включая обслуживание.

- а в какое время завтрак?

- з автрак с 7.30 до 9.00 в ресторане на первом этаже.

- Мы бы хотели, чтобы нас разбудили утром.

- Конечно. В какое время?

- в 8 часов, пожалуйста.

- Очень хорошо, сэр. Вот Ваш ключ. Номер 312. Желаю приятного отдыха.


  1. Extremely Recommended. English for the hotel and catering industry ( Pre-intermediate-1).

Trish Stott & Alison Pohl. Oxford Press, 2013.

  1. Highly Advisable. English people for the hotel and catering industry (Intermediate-2).

Trish Stott & Alison Pohl. Oxford Bid, 2013.

Where Can I Get an Outdoor Chair With My Husband's Name Engraved in It

Source: https://infourok.ru/tematicheskie_dialogi_po_angliyskomu_yazyku_dlya_specialnosti-574449.htm

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