How Do You Make the Woman Dress Up the Bust

Untitled Goose Game walkthrough: Complete puzzle guide with solutions for every To Do list

Untitled Goose Game
(Image credit: House House)

It's been the star of a thousand memes, and having an Untitled Goose Game walkthrough handy will allow you to ensure you've seen every moment of comedy gold. Naturally, there are some challenges on your To Do list that you can easily honk your way through, however there are other puzzles that require a lot more experimenting and lateral thinking to get done. Although you can just flap around causing chaos, there's an underlying structure to progression where you need to clear all but one of the tasks on the To Do list for each area, which then reveals a final task (marked with a * on our lists below) – beat this last assignment to open the path to the next area and continue your adventure.

Please note that this guide is not intended to be a prescriptive walkthrough of how to solve each task perfectly, as there are often multiple ways to complete a challenge, but rather to offer up a method that works if you find yourself stuck. The opening section is a basic tutorial to introduce you to the controls, so shouldn't cause too much hassle. When you reach the gate, pull out the top and bottom bolts on the right to get through to the first level, where our Untitled Goose Game walkthrough begins.

Get thrown over the fence in Untitled Goose Game | Untitled Goose Game crown | Untitled Goose Game two-player mode

Untitled Goose Game – Garden walkthrough

(Image credit: House House)

Get into the garden
Pull the sack near the gate so you can reach the radio, then pick it up to switch it on. When the Groundskeeper unlocks the gate and heads outside to retrieve the radio, dash inside.

Get the Groundskeeper wet
Either wait until the Groundskeeper is tending to the patch next to the sprinkler, or steal an item and drop it next to the sprinkler so the Groundskeeper will go there to retrieve it. When he's nearby, activate the tap outside the garden to turn on the sprinkler.

Steal the Groundskeeper's keys
Either wait until the Groundskeeper is tending to a patch and grab his keys, or simply sneak up behind him and snatch them off his belt.

Make the Groundskeeper wear his sun hat
To prep for this one, move the crate by the hedge on the left hand side of the garden to reveal a hole. Now wait for the Groundskeeper to tend a patch and carefully sneak up from the side until the prompt appears to grab his hat. If you're spotted, simply back off behind the Groundskeeper until you're out of his eyeline then wait for him to start tending again for another attempt. Once you have the hat, quickly dash through the hole in the hedge so he can't chase and catch you, at which point he'll go and put his sun hat on.

Rake in the lake
Grab the rake from next to the shed, and drag it all the way to the lake. If you're struggling to get past the Groundskeeper, you can sneak around the back of the beds on the right hand side of the garden, or turn on the water butt tap to create a distraction.

Have a picnic (bring to the picnic blanket: sandwich, apple, pumpkin, carrot, jam, thermos, radio, basket)
The sandwich (both halves), apple, and basket are at the bench by the lake; the pumpkin and carrot can be pulled from the garden; the jam, thermos, and radio are at the workbench in the garden. Grab each item and take it to the picnic blanket which is down by the lake on the right hand side – make sure the Groundskeeper doesn't chase you there or he'll see any items you've stolen already and start taking them back to the garden. It's best to save the radio until last as the noise it makes means you can't really avoid the Groundskeeper chasing you, although if you can get it wet then it'll short out and stop making sounds.

* Make the Groundskeeper hammer his thumb
Grab the No Goose sign to pull it over, then wait for the Groundskeeper to put it back in place. As he swings the hammer fully back, honk to distract him and he'll hammer his thumb, opening up the next level.

Untitled Goose Game – High Street walkthrough

(Image credit: House House)

Break the broom
If the Shopkeeper catches you in her shop area, she'll pick up a broom to shoo you away with. As she sweeps it towards you, interact to grab the broom head then keep pulling until it comes off.

Trap the Boy in the phone booth
The Boy is terrified of geese, so follow him and keep honking to steer him into the phone booth at the top left of the area.

Make the Boy wear the wrong glasses
There are two ways to get the Boy's glasses from him – either wait for him to take them off and clean them then honk so he drops them, or sneak up and interact with his shoelaces to untie them then grab the glasses when he bends down. Either way, you then need to steal a different pair of glasses from the rack in the shop, then drop them near the Boy so he puts them on.

Make someone buy back their own stuff
Steal the Boy's toy plane from the bench and drop it inside the shop, where the Shopkeeper will then pick it up and put it back on display with the other toys. If the Boy doesn't automatically go to the shop, chase him in there by honking behind him, at which point he will have to buy back his plane.

Get on TV
Once you've trapped the Boy in the phone booth, he'll call the TV Shop Owner to come and rescue him. Once they leave the shop, dash inside and hit the big red switch by the door. This will turn on the camera, then walk to the left of the shop to appear on the screens.

Go shopping (put in the basket: toothbrush, loo paper, hairbrush, tinned food, cleaner, fruit & veg)
The basket is on the left hand side of the shop, but you should drag it off to the side of the area in either direction so the Shopkeeper doesn't spot it, otherwise she'll take back anything you've stolen so far. If you go to the garden on the right hand side of the level and knock over the bin, you'll find a toothbrush and cleaner inside. The loo paper, hairbrush, tinned food, and more cleaner (if needed) can be stolen from the shop, as can any of the fruit or veg items – only one is needed, and the carrots or leeks are easiest to grab.

* Trap the Shopkeeper in the garage
Steal an item from the shop and let the Shopkeeper see you so she chases, then run into the garage to the right of the shop and drop the item inside. Run back to the street, then interact with the pull rope once the Shopkeeper is inside to trap them in the garage.

Untitled Goose Game – Back Gardens walkthrough

(Image credit: House House)

NB removing the yellow ribbon on the fence at the bottom of the Man's garden will open a temporary route between them, and pulling out the drawer in the unit at the top of the Woman's garden will open a permanent route from her garden to his.

Make someone break the fancy vase
Grab the purple vase from the stool at the bottom of the Woman's garden and take it back to the Man's side where he can see it. He'll throw it back over the fence, breaking it.

Help the Woman dress up the bust
Steal the glasses, hat, and pipe from the Man's garden table and drop them near the bust in the Woman's garden, where she'll place them on the bust.

Make the Man spit out his tea
Wait in the Woman's garden until the Man is drinking his tea, then ring the giant bell to make him spit it out.

Get dressed up with a ribbon
While the Woman is out of view, remove the ribbon from the duck statue near the steps in her garden then drag the statue away and hide it – behind the bench/pots at the bottom of her garden works well. Now return to where the statue was and interact to adopt the same pose as the duck, then stand still and wait for the Woman to return and put the ribbon on you. For added fun, give a honk as she walks away.

Make the Man go barefoot
Wait for the Man to read his paper, then sneak up and interact to pull off one of his slippers unnoticed, which you should hide out of sight. Then, wait for him to start drinking his tea, at which point his stance will change and you can grab the other slipper to make him barefoot.

Do the washing (with: a bra, a pair of socks, a slipper, a bar of soap)
The bra and pair of socks are on the washing line at the bottom of the Woman's garden; the bar of soap is on the side of the bathtub at the top of the Woman's garden; the slipper is on the Man's foot, as you should have discovered already! Drop all of these items into the fountain at the bottom of the Man's garden to do the washing.

* Make someone prune the prize rose
Drag the planter with the rose growing in it to the bottom of the lowered bed, level with the bush in the Woman's garden. Go through the fence and interact with the bush to peck at it, which will cause the Woman to grab her shears to prune it and accidentally catch the rose too.

Untitled Goose Game – Pub walkthrough

(Image credit: House House)

Get into the pub
If you want to take the sneaky approach, walk up on top of the cellar doors behind the van and interact with the box to get inside. The Deliveryperson will then pick up the box and carry it inside, and you can jump out at any point. Alternatively, just sprint past the Burly Man hovering by the entrance, distracting him first with a honk if necessary.

Break the dartboard
Wait for the Old Man to play darts, then honk just as he's about to throw the dart to break the board.

Get the toy boat
The toy boat is in the sink at the back of the raised area, and you need to turn on the tap to the right to fill it with water so you can reach the boat. If the Kitchen Woman sees the sink is filling up she'll turn off the tap, so keep her distracted until it's full then grab the toy boat.

Make the Old Man fall on his bum
To make the Old Man fall on his bum in Untitled Goose Game, wait in the beer garden until the Old Man is about to sit on his stool then interact with it and drag it a distance away – the trick here is not to be subtle, as if the stool remains too close behind him he'll notice and not fall over.

Be awarded a flower
Stand on the drain cover next to the picnic bench with the two ladies, then copy the actions they perform to receive the flower. In order, these are honk, bend forwards, and spread your wings.

Steal a pint glass and drop it in the canal
There are a number of pint glasses (the tankards that look like big glass mugs) on tables in the raised area, so grab one then take it to the canal which can be found across the road from the pub entrance and drop it in. If you hide under the stairs to the raised area near the entrance and honk, the Burly Man should go upstairs to investigate giving you time to dash out and over the road.

Set the table (knife, fork, plate, pepper, candle)
There's a knife on the trolley to the left of the raised area and a fork under the nearby table, as well as a knife and fork on the bottom shelf of the unit by the beer barrel; there's also a plate on that unit, as well as one on the empty picnic table in the beer garden; the pepper is on a table at the left hand side of the raised area; the candle is on a table at the right hand side of the raised area. Grab all of these items and take them to the storage area at the back of the pub on the left, and place them on the table – the wooden spindle with a tablecloth on top.

* Drop a bucket on the Burly Man's head
In the storage area at the back of the pub, take several of the tomatoes out of the crate and drop them on the floor nearby. Now go to the front of the pub and get the Burly Man's attention then let him chase you to the back of the pub. Dash through the passage into the storage area then honk to get his attention and he'll come through the gate to investigate. While he's picking up the tomatoes and putting them back in the crate, run up to the raised area above and interact with the bucket to drop it on his head.

Untitled Goose Game – Model Village walkthrough

(Image credit: House House)

Get into the model village
Hop into the stream to the left of the path, and swim under the bridge to get into the model village.

Steal the beautiful miniature golden bell
At the far end of the model village, approach the main castle building and keep pecking it until you expose a beam you can grab. Interact with it, then keep pulling until the castle collapses and the bell is revealed.

* ...and take it all the way back home
You need to get back through all of the previous levels carrying the bell, which makes a noise whenever you run. If you get caught, the person will confiscate the bell, although you can easily steal it back from their hand. To get through the pub, hide under the stairs near the entrance and honk to lead the Burly Man upstairs, then sprint out and across the road then over the bridge. From the well, go up and right to return to the gardens. Leave the bell by the gate then pull out the drawer to knock down the unit at the top of the Woman's garden, before going through the Man's garden and pulling the ribbon at the bottom to drop the fence. Go through the gap to grab the bell, then dash back through with it and out of the gate to the next section.

The Shopkeeper and TV Shop Owner are patrolling the street so you'll need to dash past them – taking the route through the top of the shop may let you run straight past them. Avoid the Boy at the end of the street then go down the path and through the wooden gate into the garden. The Groundskeeper is blocking the exit to the garden, so move the crate by the hedge to open the hole and sneak through to escape. Swim over the lake then retrace your steps through the opening area to add the bell to your collections.

Congratulations – you've completed the main game! Now continue to page 2 for the Untitled Goose Game To Do (As Well) walkthrough and more.

Iain originally joined Future in 2012 to write guides for CVG, PSM3, and Xbox World, before moving on to join GamesRadar in 2013 as Guides Editor. His words have also appeared in OPM, OXM, PC Gamer, GamesMaster, and SFX. He is better known to many as 'Mr Trophy', due to his slightly unhealthy obsession with amassing intangible PlayStation silverware, and he now has over 400 Platinum pots weighing down the shelves of his virtual award cabinet. He does not care for Xbox Achievements.


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